Editor’s Picks

Philip Morris Enters Egypt Market Following Disputed Tender

by Aisha Kehoe Down, Lara Dihmis, and Jason McLure (The Examination) 8May 2024 Tweet thisShare this on Facebook DONATE Swiss…



吉爾吉斯當局應撤銷對反腐敗調查機構 Temirov Live 11 名現任和前任工作人員的指控,並將他們從監獄和軟禁中釋放。 在 1 月 16 日的一系列突襲中,警方搜查了 Temirov Live 的辦公室和 11 名記者的家,沒收了設備,並以「煽動大規模騷亂」的含糊罪名逮捕了這些記者。 四人——Temirov Live 總監Makhabat Tajibek kyzy、調查記者Aike…


Turkish Businessman Was Behind Purchase of Luxury London Residence For Azerbaijani Official’s Son

Tweet thisShare this on Facebook DONATE Turkish magnate Erdal Aksoy proudly describes himself as a fixer of major business deals…


Alleged Italian Mobsters Grew Powerful in Toronto. Experts Say Canadian Law Can’t Stop Them.

by Jared Ferrie (OCCRP), Brian Fitzpatrick (OCCRP), and Alessia Cerantola (OCCRP/Investigate Europe) 24April 2024 Tweet thisShare this on Facebook DONATE…


In Georgia, an Opposition MP Voted With the Ruling Party. Then His Family Won Two Land Disputes.

Tweet thisShare this on Facebook DONATE In an important vote for new members of a top judicial body, five opposition…



肯亞和坦尚尼亞邊境的稀有大像生存輪盤賭 阿塞拜疆新聞


How Italy’s ‘Ndrangheta Mafia Allegedly Infiltrated Canadian Banks

Tweet thisShare this on Facebook DONATE A faction of the ‘Ndrangheta based in Toronto allegedly relied on relationships with staff…


Sanctions Haven’t Stopped Notorious Serbian Arms Merchant Slobodan Tešić

Tweet thisShare this on Facebook DONATE Despite repeated rounds of sanctions, the notorious arms dealer Slobodan Tešić remains a dominant…


The Simple Fraud Undermining Europe’s Most Sophisticated Timber Tracing System

Tweet thisShare this on Facebook DONATE Wood that may have been logged illegally is entering the supply chain due to…


Solomon Islands PM Has Millions in Property, Raising Questions Around Wealth

by Aubrey Belford (OCCRP), Dan McGarry (OCCRP), Ofani Eremae (In-Depth Solomons), Charley Piringi (In-Depth Solomons), Gina Maka’a (In-Depth Solomons), and…

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